RECENTLY on View: They Fight With Cameras: Walter Rosenblum in WWII From D-Day to Dachau: Traveling Exhibition at Amerika Haus, US Embassy ViennA & 10b Gallery, Rome

On the 70th anniversary of D-Day, Amerika Haus of the US Embassy Vienna premiered the exhibition "They Fight With Cameras: Walter Rosenblum in WWII from D-Day to Dachau", curated by Manuela Fugenzi and co-produced by Francesco Zizola, 10b Photography Gallery and Nina Rosenblum and Dan Allentuck, Daedalus Productions, Inc.  

Special thanks to Jan Krc, Counselor for Public Affairs, Michaela Hohenlohe, Antoinette van Zabner, Stefanie Winkelman, Roland Fuchs of Amerika Haus, and Dario Bosio of 10b Photography Gallery, Rome.

On Nov. 21 the exhibition opened at 10b Gallery, Rome, with support from the American Embassy in Rome and the American Academy in Rome.  Ambassador John Phillips, Linda Douglass, Cultural Attache Nicholas Giacobbe and Peter Miller, Director of the American Academy in Rome were present at the opening. The exhibition will travel to venues in the US in 2016.

"They Fight With Cameras: Walter Rosenblum in WWII from D-Day to Dachau", a companion book, was published in English by Postcart, Italy and is available on our website or from Postcart.

Photos courtesy of Gregory T. Weeks and Nina Rosenblum.

"They Fight With Cameras: Walter Rosenblum in WWII From D-Day to Dachau" Exhibition Banner, Amerika Hau

Opening Night, Amerika Haus, Vienna, June 6, 2014, 70th Anniversary of D-Day

Jan Krc, Counselor for Public Affairs, US Embassy, Vienna introducing Nina Rosenblum

Antoinette van Zabner with guests
